
The pros and cons of owning an Electric Vehicle

If you ask me, electric vehicles are the future. I recently purchased an electric vehicle, and I think everyone will be driving an EV in the future. What are the pros and cons? Keep reading!

If you or a loved one suffer serious injuries in a car wreck, please don’t hesitate to contact me by phone at 864-235-4999 or through our contact form, which you can find by clicking the button below.

Pros of Owning an Electric Vehicle

  1. No more paying for gas!! Obviously, with an EV, you don’t have to go to the gas station ever again-and which is awesome. Gas is a major expense each month for families. So its really great not having to spend money-lots of money on gas, oil changes, hoses, belts, radiator fluid, etc!!

    The cheapest way to own and power an EV is to purchase an at-home charger – usually about $800-$900 for the charger and installation. A level two charger takes about 7-8 hours to fully charge the vehicle, and that results in a 250-mile charge in my EV. It adds about $4.00 to my electric bill for a full charge – that’s a lot better than paying $50-60 for gas!!

  2. Drives great. EVs are faster, smoother, quieter, and more responsive than gas-engine vehicles.

  3. My EV has a hands-free driving option – and it’s really great. Makes driving on long trips across the interstates a breeze!

  4. Tax credit – the federal government gives a $7500 tax credit for purchasing an EV. Check with your CPS (Consumer Portfolio Services) to see how that affects your purchase and if you are eligible.

  5. Helps our planet!! Because there’s no exhaust, EVs do reduce emissions.

Cons of Owning an Elective Vehicle

  1. There are none! I like mine so much that I really do not have any criticisms! -hahaha

  2. Driving on long trips takes more time – due to having to exit the highway and recharge. But usually, most chargers are located at a retail store or gas station – so you can grab a snack while waiting for your vehicle to recharge.

Wrap Up

I would definitely recommend purchasing an electric vehicle if you are in the market for a new car. With the tax credit and savings on gas, oil changes, maintenance, etc. You will substantially reduce your automotive costs. Also, you will help the planet!

If you’ve suffered a serious injury in an accident, please don’t hesitate to contact Thomas Creech Law Offices to discuss your options. Thomas Creech is a lifelong resident of Greenville and utilizes his 20 years of courtroom experience to fight for seriously injured clients throughout The Upstate of South Carolina.

You can request a free consultation by phone at 864-235-4999, or simply fill out the form below.

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