
Involved in a car accident : Let’s Talk Solutions
Being involved in a car accident is no fun. Call Greenville SC attorney Thomas Creech for help 864-235-4999

Being involved in a car accident is at best a hassle and at worst life-threatening (or even fatal).  You will likely incur medical bills, lose time from work, suffer pain and loss of enjoyment of life, and have limitations on your ability to do just the normal everyday activities of daily living.

And you would not have been injured in a car accident had the other driver just simply paid attention and refrained from engaging in extremely high-risk conduct such as: distracted cell phone use or texting while driving; speeding; failing to pay attention; or failing to operate a vehicle in a reasonable, safe manner.

Its amazing how horrendous the personal injury and damages from a car accident can be.  While it may take a careless driver just a couple of seconds to make a bad decision, you may have to live forever with the consequences of those bad decisions.  Many times, if you are lucky not to have broken a bone, you may require powerful medications or physical therapy to help your muscles calm down and loosen up.  And usually to receive proper care and treatment, it will require many, many sessions of physical therapy.  Of course, you will have to take more time off of work to attend the physical therapy sessions. And you will have to perform exercises at home. You will likely have to do this just to have some comfort and live a pain-free life in the aftermath of a car accident. You have all the time in the world to to physical therapy and exercises at home, right?

You will hope that you have not received permanent injury or permanent impairment from the personal injuries that you sustained in a car accident, right?

Where do you turn after you have been involved in a car accident?  First, you probably will hear from the other driver’s insurance company wanting to pay you for the property damage your vehicle sustained.  So on top of all of the physical pain and suffering you are experiencing, you will then have to deal with an insuance company and haggle over what you car was worth at the time of the accident.  You hope that they will contact you first.  But days go by and you hear nothing else.  They may take their time; they may take their time in getting you in a rental car.  Meanwhile, you have no way to get around and you now have to depend upon the kindness of family members and friends to drive you around-if you are lucky enough to have people that you know who can take time away from their lives to help you.

And then the medical bills start to come in the mail. And the paycheck stops coming because you are missing time from work.  So now you have to dig into your savings just to make ends meet.

This is just the beginning.  You were not at fault in the accident so the other driver should compensate you for his bad choices while driving, right?

Insurance company adjusters are now calling you and wanting to take a recorded statement from ou to use against you in the case.  Should you give that statement?

The insurance company says it wants to pay you but they quit calling after a few weeks and are not even returning your call. Finally, they call you and offer you some money to fully and finally compensate you for everything. Is it enough? Do you know what the law says the other driver is supposed to pay you for the personal injuries you sustained in the car accident? What happens if you start hurting even more after you have already accepted a check from the insurance company to supposedly compensate you for all the pain and suffering you will have from the car accident? Do you get only “one bite at the apple”?  When you signed that document, did you sign away your case forever?

As you can see, being in a car accident is an awful experience-an awful experience caused by the thoughtless, careless, negligent acts of another driver, or a truck driver.  As you can see, you have to make very important decisions when you have been in a car accident. Do you have the knowledge and understanding to make those important decisions correctly?  Every car accident case is different and every car accident involves many complex questions.

If you have been hurt in a car accident, protect everything you’ve worked for,  protect your health and your well being, so you can recover well.  Call the Thomas Creech Law Offices in Greenville SC at 864-235-4999 in Greenville SC and Let’s talk solutions.


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