
South Carolina Highway fatalities rise

According to recent news reports, South Carolina highway fatalities have increased sharply so far in 2015. According to an article in the Greenville News just recently, reports and statistics published by the South Carolina Deaprtment of Public Safety 572 people have died on South Carolina roadways this year. In 2014 up to this point in the year, 473 people died. 88 were motocrcylists revealing a disturbing trend of motorcycle fatalities. Pedestrian fatalities are also up in 2015.  Also multiple fatality accidents are up as well. Greenville County experienced a large number of fatal accidents at 41. Spartanburg experienced 47 fatal accidents. Horry County has suffered 48 fatal traffic accidents this year so far.

Authorities are citing the usual primary contributing factors: Driving under the Influence (DUI),  driving too fast, and failure to yield to the right of way.

There is an increase of accidents on primary roads as well.

Motorcycle fatalities are up in part because some authorities believe that people are buying more motorcycles now that the economy is improving, according to the article published in The Greenville News.  So with increased motorcycle use comes increased motorcycle accidents.

Impaired driving, speed, and failure to yield to right of way. Its these factors that cause accidents.  DUI drivers have long been a problem in South Carolina. And stiffer DUI laws do not seem to be helping. South Carolina lacks a comprehensive public transportation system. And until that changes, there will be a DUI problem in this state.  Drivers that choose to speed and drive too fast for conditions are making a deliberate choice to put the lives and safety of others in harms way. More law enforcement officers and more speed detection campaigns are common sense ways of deterring fast drivers. And finally failing to yield to the right of way is a symptom of impatient, and probably, ignorant drivers.

The highways in South Carolina are literally becoming dieways. To avoid accidents, be patient, anticipate bad or reckless drivers. And leave plenty of room between your vehicle and other automobiles.  By following these steps, South Carolina highway fatalities may decrease.


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