Car accident concussions are a common injury that impacts thousands of Americans each year. A concussion can often have serious, long-term consequences if not appropriately treated on time.
Thomas Creech is a personal injury lawyer with experience handling clients who sustain concussive injuries. Knowing the symptoms and warning signs of a concussion and getting the medical care you need right away can make all the difference in your long-term health. As such, we want to delve into this serious type of head injury by explaining what a concussion is, its common symptoms, and situations that can lead to one.
If you or someone you know has suffered a concussion due to an accident, please don’t hesitate to call us for a free consultation by dialing 864-235-4999 or tapping the button below. You can also submit your free consultation request through our confidential online form.
What is a concussion?
A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that affects brain function. Concussions usually are caused by an impact to the head or body that is associated with a change in brain function.
Concussions happen when something jolts or shakes your body. They can cause your brain to move back and forth or side to side, damaging it. Between the brain and the skull is a liquid cushion. If the force is strong enough, an energy transfer can occur that diminishes this barrier, damaging tiny blood vessels and nerves in the brain.
Risk Factors
A concussion can happen to anyone. However, there’s an increased risk of concussions for the following:
- People older than 65 or children younger than 4.
- Teens and adolescents
- People in physically demanding fields like construction
- Athletes playing contact sports
- Anyone who suffered a previous concussion
Symptoms of Car Accident Concussions
The most important thing to remember is that a concussion is a traumatic brain injury. There are different severity levels for concussions, but there’s nothing mild about a traumatic brain injury. Please don’t wait for symptoms to go away.
After a car wreck, some symptoms of your head injury may show up immediately, while other symptoms may appear days or even weeks later. Your injury may not be as apparent as a bruise or broken skin. Your head doesn’t necessarily need to hit anything to cause car accident concussions.
If you begin to experience the following concussion symptoms after a car accident, please seek medical attention.
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Mental confusion
- Delayed or sluggish speech, responses, or movement
- Difficulty concentrating
- Light or audio sensitivity
- Dizziness
- Lack of balance
- Memory loss
- Mood swings
- Depression
- Irritability
In some situations, concussion symptoms can persist longer than normal. Most concussion symptoms resolve within about two weeks. In cases where symptoms last longer than a month or two, a doctor may diagnose you with PCS or post-concussion syndrome.
Concussion Situations
The unfortunate truth is any collision can lead to a concussion. Head-on, right-hand, or left-hand car-to-car contact can result in a concussion from the whiplash effect or a direct blow. The whiplash effect is the same reason even a rear-end accident can cause a head injury.
The whiplash effect is common in rear-end collisions due to unprotected head and neck. More than 3 million whiplash injuries occur every year. Unlike most serious car wreck injuries, rest is not recommended. Resting can cause the muscles to weaken and prolong your symptoms.
Getting hit by car while walking around Greenville County or falling due to a hazardous situation can also result in a concussion.
Children and athletes are also susceptible to concussions. The most common types of traumatic brain injuries in children are concussions and skull fractures. In addition to the previously mentioned symptoms that impact adults, here are some additional warning signs for children.
- Change in eating or nursing habits
- Persistent crying and inability to be consoled
- Loss of interest in favorite toys or activities
- Convulsions or seizures
- Dilation of one or both pupils
- Clear fluids draining from the nose or ears
Regarding young athletes, coaches must exercise proper caution before their child can return to the field or court, especially if the injury is a concussion. You can learn more about children’s injuries and concussion protocols by clicking the button below.
Car Accident Concussions Wrap up
Thomas Creech Law Offices has seen firsthand the emotional, physical and financial damage car accident concussions can cause. Since opening this law firm in 2003, we have represented many individuals and families in these types of case. We are here to help get back to the life you deserve.
If you or someone you know has suffered a concussion due to an accident, please don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation by dialing 864-235-4999 or through the confidential form below.