
Teen Drivers: Risky Driving Behaviors
teen driving behaviors

When a teenager becomes old enough to drive an automobile and earns his or her license, it can be a moment of joy and freedom for the teenager. However, it’s likely a moment of immense worry for the parents of that teenager. Car wrecks are the number one killer of teenagers in the United States. Avoiding some risky driving behaviors can make all of the difference in keeping your teenager and other drivers safe.

If your teen driver has been injured in a car wreck, please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your options. You can contact us by phone at 864-235-4999, by clicking the button below or through our contact form.

Before we delve into the risky driving behaviors of teen drivers, we’d like to point out that teen drivers are involved in accidents that are not their fault. Just like any other driver, teen drivers can be involved in car wrecks caused by other drivers, defective highways, improperly maintained roads and shoulders. Hazardous situations can also cause wrecks, such as the absence of a guardrail or other barrier that provides protection at a dangerous location along a highway.

Here are six risky driving behaviors that contribute to wrecks involving teens.

Six Risky Driving Behaviors

Nighttime Driving

The most common risk driving behavior is nighttime driving. In 2019, 40 percent of the teen drivers and passengers were involved in wrecks between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m.

Teens between the ages of 16 to 19 are three times more likely than adults ages 30 to 59 to crash when driving at night. Males are almost twice as likely to crash at night as females. Teens with a family rule of no nighttime driving were less likely to do so than those without a rule.


Studies show that if teens are driving alone they are less likely to get into a crash. The more passengers they have in the car with them, the higher the chances of a fatal car crash due to distraction and possibly peer pressure.

Excessive Speed

Excessive speed is an additional common risky behavior among teens. Speeding can increase the likelihood and severity of a crash.

According to a CDC study, “In 2018, 30 percent of male drivers aged 15–20 years and 18% of female drivers aged 15–20 years who were involved in fatal crashes were speeding.”

Statistics show that teens whose parents model safe driving behavior were less likely to speed.

Electronic Devices

The use of electronic devices while driving is an obvious risky behavior. Answering a text, talking on the phone or looking for directions are all examples of digital distractions.

Research shows that just a single glance off the road for two seconds can increase the likelihood of a teen crashing by nearly four times. Sending or reading a text message takes the driver an average of five seconds to look off the road. You can learn more about these digital distractions by clicking the button below:

Seatbelt Use

In 2019, almost half of teen driver deaths between the ages of 16 and 19 were not wearing a seat belt when the crash occurred. When used correctly, seat belts reduce the risk of death for front-seat passengers by 45 percent.

Under the influence

The final risky driving behavior that is avoidable is driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. When a person’s normal capacity to act is inhibited by alcohol or drugs, there is obviously a higher probability of a motor vehicle crash.

Alcohol also increases the likelihood of other risky behaviors such as not wearing a seat belt. In 2018, 69 percent of drivers aged 15–20 who were killed in motor vehicle crashes after drinking and driving were not wearing a seat belt.

Changing Risky Driving Behaviors

Making family rules to avoid these risky driving behaviors can help reduce the chances of a teen getting into a vehicle and making a fatal mistake.

Safe Vehicles Save Lives

If a wreck does happen, choosing the right vehicle can help protect your teen from serious injuries. We have a page featuring safe vehicles of different sizes.

Teen Driving Safety Agreement

Teen driving contracts are effective in reducing teen driving crashes. In an effort to help, we’ve provided an agreement you can print out and use at your convenience. The agreement is provided by the CDC.

Risky Driving Behaviors Wrap Up

Thomas Creech is a lifelong resident of Greenville and utilizes his 20 years of courtroom experience to fight for seriously injured clients throughout The Upstate of South Carolina. If your child was serious injured in a car wreck, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us

You can request a free consultation by phone at 864-235-4999, or simply fill out the form below.

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