Category: Personal Injury Practice Areas

South Carolina Highway fatalities rise

According to recent news reports, South Carolina highway fatalities have increased sharply so far in 2015. According to an article in the Greenville News just recently, reports and statistics published by the South Carolina Deaprtment of Public Safety 572 people have died on South Carolina roadways this year. In 2014 up to this point in…

Highway safety coating reduces automobile accidents

A recent article highlights the conclusion that a highway safety coating reduces automobile accidents. This safety coating when applied to the road surface actually reduces the number of automobile crashes. An interesting article recently appearing in the Greenville News discussed a study from the Federal Highway Administration Office of Safety that focused on a 1 mile stretch…

Serious Laurens County automobile accident kills one, injures another

A very serious Laurens County automobile accident killed a mother and injured her daughter on June 24, 2014, according to media reports that were reporting information provided  by Laurens County, S.C. Coroner Nick Nichols.  From reading the media reports, apparently, this accident involved one car-the daughter was driving and the mother was a passenger.  This…

Oconee automobile accidents cause personal injury

Over the past few days, media has been reporting about recent Oconee automobile accidents cause personal injury.  As a personal injury attorney who handles cases across the upstate of South Carolina (my offices are located in Greenville, S.C.), it is distressing to see such tragedies occur on our roads and highways. The roads in South Carolina,…

Do I have a case? Defective Product Personal Injury claims overview

Defective product personal injury claims involve an area of the law called “products liability”, which is a combination of strands of neligence, strict liability law, and warranty law. Manufacturers and sellers of products have a responsibility to make and sell safe products. And if their products do contain potential dangers, then the law requires the manufacturer to…

Dangerous nail products ingredients linked to illness, harm

The New York Times has published a series of articles about dangerous nail products ingredients, which can be found here . The articles in the New York Times talk about illnesses and tragedies that are being found in nail salons all across the United States. According to the article there are complaints of abnormal fetal development, respiratory…

Yamaha Viking VI side by side vehicle defective wheel could injure or kill

The 2015 Yamaha Viking VI contains a hazard that could cause the wheels to loosen or fall off which could lead to a wreck and serious personal injury or death, according to a recall announced by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. The wheels on the Viking VI could fall off or loosen causing the operator to lose…

Berea trailer fire results in tragedy

A Berea trailer fire resulted in tragedy taking the lives of the parents and a child who were inside the trailer on Saturday December 20th, 2014. Berea is a community located in Greenville, SC. This is a heartbreaking story occurring at Christmas – a story that hopefully provide more answers in the days and weeks ahead.  Fortunately, some…

Greenville SC pedestrian car accident results in death.

A recent Greenville SC pedestrian car accident resulted in death for one person.  Multiple media reports have stated that two pedestrians were injured in a car accident on Mauldin Road on Thursday, December 6th, 2014, resulting in the death of one of the pedestrians. The accident happened around 6:00Pm close to I-85. Another car accident on December 5th, 2014, in…

South Carolina car wreck deaths increase for 2014

The State news paper in Columbia SC is reporting that South Carolina car wreck deaths increased, albeit slightly, in 2014. There have been 715 fatal collisions on the roads in South Carolina through November 26, 2014. That’s seven more than November 2013. The South Carolina Department of Public Safety does not like to see those…