Inadequate Security
Unfortunately, some businesses or stores become locations for criminals to perpetrate harm on unsuspecting and vulnerable customers. Thomas Creech, a Greenville SC inadequate security lawyer can help.

Inadequate security at a business can lead to assaults or attacks occurring at the business or in its parking lot. It’s the responsibility of the store or business to take steps to prevent these attacks from occurring.
A business can be held responsible for a lack of security in its store or in its parking lot. If you were attacked at a store or business, it must be determined whether there was enough of a security presence on site. Another important factor is whether there have been other attacks or assaults at the business premises.
A giant chain store or big business has a responsibility to take reasonable measures to protect its customers from attacks by other persons while on the business property. That responsibility includes providing security to protect customers and guests from attacks that occur on the property of a store or business. A reasonable business knows that proper security and lighting can prevent assaults or attacks by criminals on customers occurring in the store or in a parking lot.

Where Attacks & Assaults Commonly Take Place
Customers have been attacked or assaulted at:
- Hotels and motels
- Shopping malls
- Movie theaters
- Bars
- Night clubs
- Restaurants
- Apartment complexes
- Parking lots
Apartment Security Cases
Did you know that when an apartment complex undertakes the duty of providing security at the apartment complex, it must do so in a reasonable fashion? If the apartment complex is negligent in providing security and a safe place to live, then the apartment complex may be held liable. Proper apartment security is essential in keeping tenants safe.
Apartment security is a win-win for apartment tenants and for apartment complex owners or management companies. Residents want safe and secure homes and are willing to pay more in rent to have safe and secure premises.
Have you or a friend been injured in a criminal attack at an apartment complex? Did an assailant shoot you at an apartment complex? Were you or your friend or loved one assaulted at an apartment complex in Greenville SC?
As a Greenville SC inadequate security lawyer, I aim to reduce apartment complex crime by holding negligent apartment complex owners and management companies accountable for their failure to provide appropriate security programs. I am here for injured apartment residents.

Common Greenville Inadequate Apartment Security Lawyer Safety Questions
Who is in the best position to prevent an attack or assault from occurring on the premises of an apartment complex?
The apartment complex owner or management company is in the best position to reduce, prevent, and eliminate criminal activity and attacks occurring at apartment complexes.
How can an apartment complex management company prevent attacks and violent crimes from occurring to residents? There are lots of ways.
- Communication is key.
- Involving police before an attack is about to occur is crucial.
- Developing a resident safety plan is extremely important.
- Encourage “see something, say something.”
- Video monitoring is essential.
- Employees of apartment complex management can also monitor premises to prevent criminal activity.
- Hiring private security guards is a great way to prevent criminal activity from occurring on the premises of an apartment complex.
Safety Always
Safety and security always come first. So, a safe apartment complex will generate more revenue for apartment management and apartment owners. Tenants are happy to pay for security and safety at their apartment complex.
As South Carolina becomes a more popular place to live and with many people moving to South Carolina cities like Greenville, larger apartment complexes are being built, and tenants are moving in.
If safety and security are not prioritized by apartment management or owners, apartment complexes can become magnets for crime. Forcing local police departments to devote more time and resources to investigating crimes occurring at an apartment complex.

Experience with Inadequate Apartment Security Clients
I represent tenants who have been the victims of attacks, violent crimes, shootings, and assaults that occur on the premises of an apartment complex. I am able to represent clients in apartment security cases throughout the state of South Carolina.
In June of 2023, I represented a client in an apartment shooting case resulting in a $725,000 settlement of my client’s case. Of course, each case is different, and the result in one case is not at all a guarantee of obtaining the same or similar result in another case. Each case needs to be treated individually and investigated on its own to discover the unique facts and circumstances of each case. However, I do have direct experience in apartment complex security cases and am ready to put that experience to work for you in the investigation of your potential case or claim.
After An Attack or Assault
If you or a loved one has been injured because of an assault or attack that occurred at a store or business with inadequate security, the law may entitle you to monetary compensation for the personal injuries that you suffered. We represent victims who have been injured because a business or store failed to take reasonable steps, and had inadequate security measures in place, to prevent foreseeable attacks on customers.
Call us at 864-235-4999 or reach out through our consultation request form to ask for your free consultation.