
Falling limb kills a child, who is to blame?

Media outlets are reporting that a 3 year old child was tragically killed when a tree limb fell on the child and struck the child causing serious trauma. The child was killed while innocently playing at a public park in Irmo, South Carolina on Saturday May 31, 2014. Certainly this is a tremendous loss for the family and from what the media is reporting it sounds like it was just a freak accident.

falling limb kills a childMany times in cases involving serious personal injury and death, at first blush, it may sound like an accident was no one’s fault and there was no one to blame. As a Greenville South Carolina personal injury attorney, I know that extensive investigation is needed even when no one seems to be at fault in tragic cases such as these. Conducting a serious investigation to find out exactly what happened serves two very important purposes. First, an extensive investigation provides a family with answers and may provide closure. Second, it will serve to prevent future similar accidents and injuries from occurring thus making our communities safer.

If a falling limb kills a child, an attorney needs to get involved.

Trees while beautiful and provide shade and other natural benefits, can also be very dangerous and cause personal injury and property damage. Trees on public or private property need to closely observed and inspected to make sure there is no interior rot. A tree that looks like a normal healthy tree on the outside may in fact be rotten on the inside. A rotten tree is literally an accident waiting to happen. Moreover, trees that are in close proximity to play grounds and other public areas should be frequently and routinely inspected and maintained in a safe manner. Public parks need to conduct frequent evaluations of trees located on the property and other potential hazards to ascertain the condition of the trees.

Hopefully, an extensive investigation will be conducted so that answers will be forthcoming.


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