
Couple on Motorcycle Killed


Over the weekend, 35-year old Jesse Speer of Anderson County was charged with two counts of felony DUI resulting in death after he was accused of crashing into the back of a motorcycle that killed two occupants of the motorcycle, and then driving away.

According to media reports, around 2:45 a.m. Sunday morning, a 2004 Harley Davidson and a 2005 Nissan Altima were both traveling west on Highway 28, when the Nissan hit the back of the motorcycle. The coroner said that the driver and passenger of the motorcycle were both thrown several feet from the bike and died at the scene. The coroner identified the couple who died as Brian Smith and Shannon Smith of Anderson. The husband and wife were both 46 years old.

According to WYFF4, On Sunday, while Speer apologized to the family, crosses were set up for Brian and Shannon at the crash site, right where both of their bodies were found. Speer is quoted as saying, ‘I would like to tell the family that I’m sorry… (I) didn’t know I had hit anybody. Didn’t know what had happened.’

Media sources stated this avoidable tragedy affected many of their family and friends including a friend of more than 30 years, Rick Allison who said ‘We lost two people that loved everybody and that everybody loved.’ In court on Sunday, Bryan Smith’s son told the judge that ‘the fact that he didn’t stop, he will receive no forgiveness.’ Shannon Smith’s cousin said, ‘He destroyed my family and it was unnecessary. Wish he had stopped to render some sort of assistance.’

According to the Centers for Disease Control, 1-in-3 traffic deaths in the U.S. involve a drunken driver.

State records reveal that South Carolina is above the national average with nearly half of the deadly wrecks in the state involving drivers under the influence. In 2015, there was a 7.7% increase in traffic fatalities.

If you have been injured by a drunk driver you may be entitled to compensation. Call our office today for a free consultation!


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