
Another needless death? Greenville South Carolina car wreck lawyer weighs in

A motorist in Greenville, SC who apparently was not paying attention and keeping a proper lookout crossed a center line into oncoming traffic and collided head-on with another vehicle, killing the driver of the other vehicle. Media outlets are reporting that all of this happened on May 4, 2014, on Highway 418 in Greenville SC at around 10:00 PM.  From reading the media reports, the deceased actually survived the accident but survived for only a few minutes.

It appears that the at-fault driver was not paying attention because the vehicle crossed the center line of the highway. Maybe this driver was looking down or averted his or her eyes from the road. Maybe this driver was distracted. We won’t know the answers until the South Carolina Highway Patrol performs and finalizes its investigation. The Accident Investigation Team or M.A.I.T. of the S.C Highway Patrol will conduct a thorough investigation and will determine what happened and why in this case.

This car wreck will involve legal claims of wrongful death. Also, there will be an aspect of this case that deals with compensation to the deceased’s Estate for the pain that the deceased may have endured, even momentarily, before perishing in the car wreck. The media are reporting that the deceased died from blunt force trauma.

Once again, another person has lost her life on the highways in Greenville SC. But this death did not have to happen. Never forget, and focus on the fact, that choices were made by the driver of the car that crossed the center line. Choices made by a human being; this car wreck was certainly not just a random occurrence.  This car wreck was the result of choices made by a driver.  As a result of those choices made by a driver, a person is gone and the family will suffer.

In a civil case, our laws aim to compensate the victims or family members for the loss of their loved one. Because we cannot bring the deceased back to life, the law aims to equalize the harm for the loss through compensation. The law also seeks to compensate for the loss of a loved one. That compensation is money. In our society money represents the best way to compensate for losses suffered. Even in death, money is there to serve as compensation for the loss of a loved one.

In a case like this, a lawyer who focuses on personal injury law can help the family, and with a steady hand, guide them through the process of resolving all claims the Estate may have against the other driver. A personal injury attorney can serve as an advocate for the family in order to recover as much compensation as possible. As a Greenville South Carolina car wreck lawyer, the Thomas Creech Law Offices have represented many families who have lost loved ones in car wrecks. We have advocated for the families of lost loved ones and helped guide the family through the legal process, securing just compensation.


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