
Three Ways to Avoid a Car Accident
Car wreck lawyer Thomas Creech has been fighting for South Carolina families since 2003
Car wreck lawyer Thomas Creech has been fighting for South Carolina families since 2003

Although there have been improvements in technology and automobiles, car wrecks still happen at high rates. In 2014, motor vehicle crashes claimed 35,400 lives.

31% of these were alcohol related
30% were speeding
26% of these were from distracted driving

Those statistics show that human error is the main reason for these wrecks. These safe driving practices will help you avoid getting hit by a bad driver.

3 Ways to Avoid a Car Wreck

1) Keep a Proper Look Out – Drive like everyone is out to get you. If you stay focused on what all of the cars around you are doing, you can drive defensively and be prepared for those unexpected moments.

2) Pay Attention– Although it can sometimes be difficult to be completely distraction free while driving, paying attention to the road instead of your cell phone, the radio or the kids arguing in the back seat will result in quicker responses and less errors while driving.

3) Don’t Speed – There is a reason we have Speed Limit signs. If you drive faster than the limit, you are putting yourself and others in danger.  It also makes it difficult to stop if you need to avoid a situation.

If you have been hurt in a car wreck after being hit by a bad driver, we can discuss your options. Call our office to set up your free consultation.


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